Tuesday, December 29, 2015

3 reasons to cut 'thank you' from your next speech

(Editor’s note: This was one of the top viewed stories of 2015. We’re rerunning it as part of a look back at the articles that captivated our readers the most.)

The parental prompting to say “thank you” is a common childhood experience.

Most of us remember our parents repeating over and over: “Say, ‘thank you’”; “Don’t forget to say, 'thank you’”; “Did you say, 'thank you’?” It was for good reason: to teach us to be polite and express sincere and heartfelt gratitude when appropriate.

The typical error I see presenters make when saying “thank you” is to use it more as filler, something a presenter says as a default. My advice to business leaders who are about to take the main stage: When it comes to thanking, don’t do it.

Try these three approaches instead:

1. Nix saying “thank you” as your opening comment.

Frequently, business leaders open their presentation by saying, “Thank you for…” and then quickly proceed to what they really want to say. Though this might be a pleasant salutation, it is merely tolerated as “status quo.” This type of default opener makes your presentation feel like it’s the “same-old, same-old,” and though it won’t send them running, it does nothing to jump-start a successful presentation.

Tip: Audiences want and deserve a much stronger opening, one that grabs their attention and sets the expectation that you are worth listening to. Open your presentation with a story, a startling statistic, a little-known fact—something that will break the ice and engage your audience right away. Looking for a strong grabber? Download some ideas here, but remember: Whatever approach you choose, it’s only effective if it captures their attention and is relevant to your topic.

[RELATED: Join speechwriters for three US Presidents in our executive comms and speechwriters conference in Washington, D.C.]

2. Nix saying “thank you” following an introduction.

Picture a speaker being introduced. She walks on stage, shakes hands with the emcee, turns and faces the audience, and the first words she utters are, “Thank you, John, for that gracious introduction.”

Tip: There’s no need to express thanks to the audience as you begin your presentation. Instead, offer sincere thanks to the emcee when you shake hands. Then dive into your opening remarks with a strong voice, commanding presence and relevant words—now you’re off on a powerful note.

3. Nix concluding with “thank you.”

This is one of my biggest pet peeves: Donot rely on “thank you” to conclude your presentation.

Tip: Many speakers say these words because they’ve finished speaking and they feel the need to let the audience know they are done. In desperation, they blurt out “thank you” hoping that those words will clue them in. Equally important to a strong opener is a resounding conclusion. Referred to as a haymaker, your closing statement should be a knockout punch that drives home the entire presentation. The final blow reminds listeners of the core message that you want them to remember long after the presentation has ended.

Nix the thank you; I promise your mother will not disapprove.

Are there other needless fillers you or other speakers fall back on?

Stephanie Scotti is a strategic communication advisor specializing in high-stake presentations. She has 25-plus years of experience coaching and eight years teaching presentation skills for Duke University. Learn more at ProfessionallySpeaking.net and ProfessionallySpeakingBlog.com. A version of this article originally appeared on SmartBlog on Leadership.

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