Thursday, February 25, 2016

17 words for vocabulary enthusiasts

There are an estimated 750,000 words in the English language —but the average college-educated American has a vocabulary of up to 80,000 words.

That leaves hundreds of thousands of undiscovered words.

Let’s explore words about language and writing. How many of these do you know?

Definitions are from, Urban Dictionary, Wikitionary and Oxford Dictionaries:

1. Cheville: an unnecessary word used to complete a verse.

2. Cledonism: avoidance of words thought to be unlucky.

3. Epeolatry: the worship of words.

4. Hadeharia: constant use of the word “hell.”

5. Hapax: a word that occurs only once in a given text.

6. Hypernym: a word representing a class of words or things (color is a hypernym of green).

7. Largiloquent: talkative.

8. Lethologica: the inability to remember a word.

9. Loganamnosis: obsession that occurs when trying to recall forgotten words.

10. Logogogue: a word expert.

11. Logogriph: a riddle in which a word is found from the letters of other words.

12. Onomatomania: a desire or compulsion to use certain words.

13. Onomatophobia: the fear or dread of certain words or names.

14. Pauciloquent: of few words; speaking little.

15. Trionym: a name consisting of three words.

16. Verbile: a person whose mental imagery consists of words.

17. Wordbound: inability to find expression in words; constrained or limited by words.

[RELATED: Improve your writing today with this free download.]

What favorite terms would you add to the list, Ragan readers?

Laura Hale Brockway is an Austin-based writer and editor and a regular contributor to and PR Daily. Read more of her work at

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