Monday, February 22, 2016

4 ways to get more out of LinkedIn publishing

LinkedIn enables users to showcase their expertise in front of other professionals.

Posting on its powerful publishing platform can help you “spark conversations that leap silos, companies, industries and even countries,” says LinkedIn Executive Editor Daniel Roth.

Here are four ways to increase the reach of everything you publish on LinkedIn:

1. Write snappy headlines. Readers are pressed for time, “so keep headlines short and write titles that provide lists,” says Chuck Hester, author of “Linking In to Pay It Forward.”

He shares these recent examples: “3 Things to Do On LinkedIn Before 2016” (3,100 hits, 98 “likes,” 14 comments), and “Top 5 Reasons I Use LinkedIn Every Day” (6,600 hits, 78 “likes,” 31 comments).

Register for PR Daily’s Feb. 25 PR University webinar “Publishing on LinkedIn” to build online influence and expand your reach.

2. Create compelling calls to action. “When trying to generate more comments and conversation around a post, try asking a question,” says Scott Monty, formerly the global digital communications manager at Ford.

“Your content might answer the question, but to keep the engagement going, ask other members what they might do or how they’d handle the issue you’ve shared,” he says.

Hester agrees. “It’s a good idea to end your piece with a question,” he says. “For example, try, ‘Now that you’ve heard my point of view, what’s yours?’”

You can also pose a question in your headline, as author Gretchen Rubin did with this successful post: “Agree, Disagree? Someplace, Keep an Empty Shelf” (3,174 hits, 316 “likes,” 58 comments).

3. Share and share alike. “When posting to a group, it’s usually good form to share content other than your own most of the time,” Monty says. “It might otherwise seem too self-promotional. Groups will certainly allow a bit of self-promotion, but overdoing it might make you and your posts unwelcome.”

4. Think visually. Images act as windows into your content and give people a reason to click through to your post.

That’s why it’s a good idea to add a cover image or embed an image in every piece you publish on LinkedIn. You can also embed or post a SlideShare file.

“SlideShare is owned by LinkedIn and is naturally integrated on the platform,” Monty says. “Find ways to present non-traditional information visually in slides to drive more engagement.”

Brian Pittman is a Ragan Communications consultant and webinar manager for PR Daily’s PR University. Chuck Hester, author of “Linking In to Pay It Forward,” and Scott Monty, former global digital communications manager at Ford, will share more LinkedIn strategies in the Feb. 25 PR University webinar, Publishing on LinkedIn: Master content and connection to drive ROI.

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