Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Commonly confused sound-alike words: Vol. T

My cumulative list of commonly confused words continues with 10 that begin with the letter T. The confusion relates to spelling or meaning.

1. taught/taut

Taught is the past tense of teach. It is also used as an adjective to mean instructed.

Example: “Howard Phillips Lovecraft, weird fiction writer and primogenitor of modern horror fiction, was a self-taught writer.”

Taut means “pulled tight.”

A common error is to spell taut as taught, as in this fishing advice in Backpacker magazine:

Incorrect: Use more weight to keep the line taught.

Correct: Use more weight to keep the line taut.

2. titivate/titillate

Titivate means “to spruce up, to make more attractive.”

Example: We decided to titivate the kitchen with new cabinets and countertops.

Titillate means “to excite the senses or imagination in an agreeable way.”

Example: Camilla Ochlan has crafted a supernatural mystery-thriller that will titillate the palate of even the most discriminating sci-fi reader.

The error is to mix them up, as in this example from a restaurant site:

Incorrect: We are sure to have something to titivate your taste buds.

Correct: We are sure to have something to titillate your taste buds.

3. tortuous/torturous

Tortuous means “full of twists; complex.”

Example: The tortuous road had one steep and narrow curve after another all the way to the top.

Torturous derives from torture and means “full of pain or suffering.”

Example: The book prominently features a scene in which the heroes resort to torturous means to extract vital information.

The error is to mix them up, although some might argue that a thing can be full of twists and pain at the same time.

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4. tenant/tenet

A tenant is someone who rents property.

Example: The tenant always paid her rent on time.

A tenet is a principle or belief.

Example: The tenet to love one’s neighbor is stated in Leviticus 19:18.

The error with these words goes both ways:

Incorrect: This course is designed to give the students an overview of the basic tenants of Christian Doctrine.

Correct: This course is designed to give the students an overview of the basic tenets of Christian Doctrine.

Incorrect: Most important, stay informed about your rights as a tenet.

Correct: Most important, stay informed about your rights as a tenant.

5. than/then

Than is a conjunction used after a comparative adjective or adverb to introduce the second member of the comparison.

Example:She thinks her border collie is smarter than my boxer.

The word then is an adverb that refers to a specified time, past or future, as opposed to the present.

Example: We didn’t have enough money for luxuries such as books then.

6. through/threw

Through is a preposition used to convey the idea of entering the inside of something and coming out the other side.

Example: They always go through the churchyard on their way home.

Threw is the past tense of to throw.

Example: He threw the ball over the fence.

The usual error is to spell through as threw, as in this example from a geocaching site:

Incorrect: You will need to go threw the tunnel to access this cache.

Correct: You will need to go through the tunnel to access this cache.

7. throws/throes

Throws is the third person present singular of the verb to throw.

Example: He throws with his left arm.

Throws can also be the plural of the noun throw that refers to a light blanket.

Example: She keeps throws on all the couches and chairs.

Throes is a noun that means “severe pains.” Figuratively, it can mean “difficult times.”

Example: The pirate lay in the last throes of death. The Smiths are in the throes of divorce.

8. track/tract

A track is a mark or series of marks left by the passage of something.

Example: The Mountie caught the fugitive by following the track left in the snow.

One meaning of tract is “a book or written work treating of some particular topic.”

Example: The evangelists passed out tracts on the subject of salvation.

9. till/‘til

Till has several functions. As a noun, it usually means a cash drawer.

Example: The cashier was fired after she was caught skimming from the till.

As a verb, to till means to work the soil, as in farming.

The form 'til is an unnecessary shortening of until.

As a conjunction, till is often used in place of until.

10. torpid/turgid

Torpid means “benumbed” or “devoid of the power or motion of feeling.”

Example: Even when he was awake he was completely torpid.

Turgid means “swollen, distended, puffed out.” It’s applied figuratively to language with the meanings “inflated, pompous, bombastic.”

Example: My arm was turgid where the snake had bitten it.

Example: Eventually, the movie surrenders to the most turgid Hollywood speechifying and sentimentality, far more so than the original.

A version of this article originally appeared on Daily Writing Tips.

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