Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Infographic: How to build a strong visual brand

People remember only 20 percent of what they read if no visuals accompany the text, an infographic by WebDAM says.

Our verbal intelligence is dropping, and visual intelligence is rising. Look no further than the latest SAT scores-the average reading score hit an all-time low in 2014.

Visual content reigns supreme these days, but is your organization keeping up?

[RELATED: Learn about the latest digital communication technology and methods—and how they motivate employees to achieve your organization’s goals—at this March conference.]

This infographic offers a few recommendations to help brands evolve with their customers’ changing tastes. Here are a few:

  • Examine every piece of visual content your organization produces, from its logo to product labeling to social media posts. Make sure the style, colors, fonts and images have a consistent look.
  • Share more videos. Seventy-nine percent of Internet traffic will consume video content by 2018, and revenue from online videos is growing at 110 percent annually-more than any other type of advertising.
  • Establish a strong presence of visual social networks. Image-based social media sites are growing faster than their text-heavy counterparts.

How is your organization keeping up with consumers’ craving for visual content? Please share your tips in the comments section.

There’s more in the infographic below:

(View a larger image.)

from via video editing company
from Tumblr

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