Saturday, November 14, 2015

Infographic: Most marketers struggling with visual content

Visual content is a white-hot topic.

Infographics are everywhere, videos have taken over your Facebook feed, and Instagram is suddenly the cool place to be.

Although visual content’s popularity is skyrocketing, marketers are scrambling to keep up.

Seventy-seven percent of marketers say they feel increased pressure to measure their visual content’s success, but only 11 percent believe they’re using images successfully, an infographic from Curalate reports.

Eighty-six percent of marketers believe it’s important to tailor images to the channels on which they’ll appear, but 78 percent say they share the same image across most—if not all—channels.

[RELATED: Learn new, innovative ways to escalate your social media game at our Social Media Conference for PR, Marketing and Corporate Communications in Walt Disney World.]

Plus, one-third of marketers say their images are weakest on mobile sites and apps.

How do you measure your visual content’s success? What challenges are you struggling with? Check out the full infographic below, and please sound off in the comments.

from via music videos production companies
from Tumblr

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