Monday, November 16, 2015

Never miss a memo again

Is your intranet a completely ignored document depository, or maybe a glorified newsletter that no one reads? Then your organization might be suffering from “document dump syndrome.”

The cure? Attending the Intranet Summit for Corporate Communicators in New York, Dec. 3-4.

Tour the intranets of industry leaders such as American Express, Alberta Energy Regulator and CARE USA to discover how you can expand audience reach with hot social media features and a mobile platform. You’ll learn how to:

  • Build a customized experience that connects your employees personally to your intranet
  • Engage and excite employees so they want to use the social intranet for their daily work
  • Use videos and images to attract attention and bring your story to life

Inspire, transform and maintain collaboration. Build a better intranet today.

Register here.

(Image via)

from via video company
from Tumblr

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