Monday, November 16, 2015

The best ways to communicate with millennials

As millennials pour into the workplace, communications challenges mount.

It’s not that millennials are averse to communication; it’s that certain forms of communication appeal to them more than they do to those of other generations.

Your internal communications strategy must match the ways millennial employees talk to one another, especially to their work colleagues.

A free guide from Kontiki and Ragan Communications, “Reaching the Millennial Workforce,” details how to communicate with your Generation Y colleagues.

For one thing, don’t make email your primary internal communications channel.

“Millennials look at email like they look at the telephones on their desks—they don’t use it,” says Cindy Crescenzo, president of Crescenzo Communications.

Do, however, send emails when you have specific questions or when you want to reach certain employee groups.

Second, when it comes to your intranet, don’t expect millennials to show up.

“Sure, you need intranets as a repository of information—but you have to drive millennials to them,” says Dan Hill, president of Ervin|Hill Strategy in Washington, D.C., where he helps develop employee communication strategies for clients.

To lure them to the intranet, use the tools millennials know, such as texts or internal social media networks.

Download your free copy of “Reaching the Millennial Workforce,” here, and you’ll learn:

  • How to tap into millennials’ love of chat
  • When to send millennials emails, as well as what tone to adopt in those emails
  • What messages work best in videos—and how long videos should be
  • How to persuade millennials to use your intranet, along with the features they expect to find there
  • The dos and don'ts of face-to-face meetings
  • How to avoid alienating older generations in your attempt to engage millennials

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