Saturday, March 26, 2016

Ways PR sneaks into your personal life

PR professionals spend lots of time writing emails, booking briefings and monitoring client coverage. Many of us love every second so much that we bring PR outside the office without realizing it.

If you use the phrases “follow up” and “brainstorm” outside work or set calendar reminders for hair appointments, then you know PR has permeated your everyday life.



PR pros are keen on organization—not missing deadlines and staying on top of big jobs are key in managing a team and yourself.

It’s a main factor in getting ahead and building a strong reputation among peers. Organization is a great skill, and observant PR pros notice when it follows them outside the workplace.

How many times have you set up a calendar invitation for a dinner date? Maybe you’re the designated planner for the weekend because your friends know you’ll stay on top of things.

Your knack for knowing the status of items and following through serve you well in your personal life.


Oral language and crafting messages

Lingo finds a way of following you beyond the office.

Ever “brainstormed” a restaurant for your birthday dinner? When your friend hasn’t texted you back, you make a mental note to “follow up.” We say these things so often in work emails it’s really no surprise that we’re in the habit of using them off-duty.

Because of your obsession with the perfect message, you are your friends’ go-to for texting a crush or drafting an email to a manager. You pay extra attention to messages in outside campaigns, critiquing their elements and their delivery of results—jotting your thoughts down.


Seeking journalists to pitch when reading or watching news

How often do you watch or read the news and think, “Can I pitch this person?”

We’re always on our toes for ways we can gain traction with any journalist or publication. News isn’t just news; it’s a way to spot trends and see if we can get clients in the conversation.

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Even when we’re off, a part of our brain is never so. It could be as mindless as last night’s Snapchats or TV channel surfing; we always have an eye out for a magazine or editor who’s perfect for a client.


Social media

Social media is second nature to you.

You’re a walking analytics algorithm. You know what time posts will get maximum engagement. You’re glued to your phone: You don’t miss client emails, trends or breaking news. Following editors on Twitter and LinkedIn it helps you write the perfect personalized pitch.

PR is not a 9-5 job; rather, it’s an all-encompassing passion.


Anyone can be “good” at client correspondence or drafting a pitch. What makes a PR pro excellent is a 24/7 commitment to put your best foot forward. We aggressively embrace the ways to become better at what we do.

What ways does PR carry over into your personal life?

Karina Chowdhury is the account coordinator at PAN Communications.

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