Monday, June 13, 2016

7 smart public speaking tips

The way we speak has a significant impact on how we’re perceived—often much more than the actual content of what we say.

For example, there are few things in the business world that I have a harder time tolerating than “uptalk.” It’s the vocal tick that some people have?—which makes them end sentences?—and even sentence clauses?—with question marks.

A 2012 study from Quantified impressions reported that only 11 percent of people said the content of a speakers message had a the biggest influence over their perception of that speaker.

[RELATED: Executive communicators, join our new LinkedIn group and get FREE tips and strategies to improve leadership communications.]

More important factors in speaking tend to be passion, presence and an understanding of the subject matter.

So, you want to sound smarter. Who doesn’t?

You can start wowing audiences right away. WriteMyEssays created an infographic with seven guidelines to help you perfect your presentations—which includes avoiding annoying vocal habits such as “uptalk” and “vocal fry” (ending words with a “raspy growl”):

from via web video marketing
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